100 Mile Challenge for 2025
to be active outdoors!
Fresh air, sunshine, and being physically active are good for your body and mind.
Pledge to be active and walk 100 miles by entering the Healthy People Healthy Trails challenge, which offers a monthly prize drawing. Scroll down to sign up and make your pledge.
Set a goal and track the miles walked daily or weekly. Health guidelines suggest 30 minutes of activity for adults and 60 minutes for kids on most days. If you are inactive, start with less and slowly build up to your goal. Upload your activity record every week to enter a prize drawing.
- The 100 Mile Challenge for 2025 lasts three months. It begins on February 1st and ends on April 31, 2025. No entries or miles will be counted after that date.
- The Challenge is for people living, working, or volunteering in Santa Barbara County.
- Milestones for 25, 50, 75, and 100 miles are celebrated with digital badges. A sticker is available for walking 100 miles.
- Personal information will not be shared without permission. You do not have to send personal information if you do not want a prize.
- Be honest on your activity form!
- Use hastags #HPHT100Miles, #HealthyPeopleHealthyTrails, #SantaBarbaraTrails, #GetOutside
Connect to an active life! Connect to the outdoors!
Monthly drawing to win a Hydro Flask tumbler.
This prize is made available through a grant from the Hydro Flask Parks For All program.
The 100 Mile Challenge is sponsored by