Healthy People Healthy Trails

Connect to an active life. Connect to the outdoors.

Written by: HPHT-admin

Speaking Out

On March 15th Jill Zachary and Mark Wilkinson took the Healthy People Healthy Trails story to Long Beach, CA for a presentation at the annual California Parks and Recreation Society Conference. They spoke to an audience that is well aware that walking and hiking through local parks promotes healthy lifestyles, increases environmental awareness and builds community support for parks and open-space protection. The presentation provided the audience with five steps to create their own version

Doctor’s Order: Rx for Outdoor Activity

Below is an excerpt from an article published in Central Coast Physicians’ magazine: Encouraged by evidence that spending time outdoors in nature improves physical and mental health, local organizations joined together to launch Healthy People Healthy Trails. Its mission is to work collaboratively with land agencies, healthcare providers, and community partners to improve the health and wellbeing of community members through the use and enjoyment of trails, parks, and open spaces. Healthy People Healthy Trails
